Symptom: All voice terminals are without lights or dial
Possible Cause
Possible Solution
To lnvestigate Further
1. The control unit is not
Follow the instructions under
If the green power light on
receiving power.
“Restarting the Control Unit”
the control unit is on and the
on page 4-55.
trouble remains, call the
If the green
power light is on
equipment supplier for
and the trouble is gone, the
problem was corrected when If the green power light is
you reset the control unit. off, go to Possible Cause 2.
2. The power outlet is
Make sure the control unit is If the control unit is not
controlled by a wall switch.
not plugged into an outlet plugged into a switch-
controlled by a wall switch. controlled outlet go to
If the control unit is plugged Possible Cause 3.
into a switch-controlled
outlet and the switch is
turned off, power off the
MERLIN II system and move
the plug to another outlet
See “Power to the System’”
on page 2-90 to turn the
power off.
3. Faulty power outlet.
Test the outlet by plugging in If the appliance works, the
an appliance such as a lamp
problem is caused by the
or a calculator. If the control unit Call the
appliance doesn’t work the
equipment supplier.
outlet is faulty. Have it
repaired by an electrician.
Procedures for Specific Symptoms 4-45