Off-Premises Range Extender (OPRE).
will be available in place of the Off-Premises
Telephone Interface (OPTI) for users of Feature
Module 1, Feature Module 2, and Release 3. The
OPRE will allow users to connect off-premises
Touch-Tone Basic telephones to the MERLIN II
As of this printing the Off-Premises Range
Extender is not available. Installation
information will be supplied in a CIB with the
Off-Premises Telephone Interface (OPTI).
Connects off-premises Touch-Tone Basic telephones
to the MERLIN II system. Allows you to use an off-
premises telephone to access many of the features of
the on-premises communication system. The OPTI is
used with MERLIN II Feature Module 1. It can also
be used with Feature Module 2 and Release 3, but only
for two-digit intercom numbers.
Power Failure Telephone.
A power failure telephone
allows calls to be made and received in case of a
power failure. A Basic Touch-Tone or rotary
telephone, when connected to a Power Failure
Telephone jack on a module in the control unit, bridges
onto the lowest line number in the block of jacks that it
serves on the module when a power outage occurs.
Supplemental Alert Adapter.
Allows Extra Alert
Devices, such as a horn, bell, strobe, or chime, to be
connected to an analog voice terminal jack so that
people working in noisy or remote areas of a building
can be alerted to incoming calls.
System Hardware 1-35