Symptom: There is trouble with voice terminal lights,
speaker, and/or ringing.
Possible Cause
A faulty control unit or
Power Supply Module.
Possible Solution
Analog set: Slide the T/P
switch on the left side of the
voice terminal to the T
position and hold it there if
necessary. If all the red and
green lights flash alternately
and a tone sounds
continually, the analog set is
working properly.
Digital set with data stand:
Turn the voice terminal over
and press the recessed Self-
Test button on the data stand
with a pointed object such as
a straightened paper clip. If
the lights come on but do not
flash. The digital set is
working properly.
If some (but not all) of the
lights flash
and/or a tone sounds at
irregular intervals, the
trouble is caused by the voice
terminal or the cable
If all lights are off and a tone
sounds continually or
irregularly the trouble is
caused by the control unit,
the voice terminal, or the
cable connection.
To Investigate Further
to Possible Cause 3.
Go to Possible Cause 3.
Go to Possible Cause 2.
Go to Possible Case 2.
Procedures for Specific Symptoms