Posted Message.
The Posted Message feature
provides a method of sending one of 20 user-defined
messages to another terminal. Each message can be up
to 16 characters long and will appear on the caller’s
System Speed Dial.
System Speed Dial allows the
caller to store frequently used numbers as three-digit
codes. For Release 3, the feature has been enhanced to
accommodate 130 speed dial numbers.
Tie Lines.
The MERLIN II system interfaces to a tie
line with E&M signaling through a Tie Line Module.
This feature permits the interconnection of a MERLIN
II system to another MERLIN II system or to other
switches such as a System 25,75, or 85 PBX. (See
“E&M Signaling” on page 1-45 for a description of
E&M signaling.)
System Overview 1-9