Chapter 23 ZyStack
X6004 User’s Guide
Figure 196 ZyStack Status
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 97 ZyStack Status
ZyStack Status
This table displays the X6004s participating in the ZyStack and their current status.
Machine ID This field displays the system name of the X6004. The system name is automatically
assigned to the X6004 based on when it was added to the ZyStack. IPPBX_01 is
always the master followed by slaves IPPBX_02, IPPBX_03 and so on.
Description This field displays the description of this ZyStack member.
Type This field displays the role this X6004 performs in the ZyStack. The options are:
• Master - controls configuration on all the other X6004s.
• Slave - all configuration is done on the slave from the master X6004.
Ping Click a Ping button to test IP connectivity with one member of the ZyStack or click
Ping All to test IP connectivity with all members of the ZyStack. This field displays
N/A when this function is not available for a specified X6004. This field displays Ok if
you have a network connection from the master to the slave X6004.
Delete This field displays the reason for not being able to delete an X6004 from the
ZyStack. The field displays:
• Timeout - if the master X6004 was unable to establish a connection with the
X6004 that you wanted to remove from the ZyStack.
• Wrong Master - if the X6004 is already a member of another ZyStack.
• Wrong Slave - if the serial number did not match when removing this X6004
from the ZyStack.
Failsafe This field displays the machine ID of the X6004 that has taken over the functions of
an X6004 that has failed. For example, if it displays IPPBX_003, then it means that
IPPBX_002 has failed and IPPBX_003 has taken over.
ZyStack Add
Failure Log
This table is a list of log entries regarding successful and unsuccessful attempts to
add X6004s to the ZyStack.
Machine ID This field displays the system name of the X6004. The system name is automatically
assigned to the X6004 based on when it was added to the ZyStack. IPPBX_01 is
always the master followed by slaves IPPBX_02, IPPBX_03 and so on.
Serial This field displays the serial number that was entered when trying to add this X6004
to the ZyStack.