Chapter 11 Phonebook
X6004 User’s Guide
11.3.1 Local Phonebook Screen
Use this screen to set up the local phonebook settings on the X6004. To access this screen,
click Configuration > PBX > Server Configuration > Phonebook.
Figure 97 Configuration > PBX > Server Configuration > Phonebook > Local Phonebook
Each field is described in the following table.
11.3.2 Local Phonebook Add/Edit Screen
The screens for editing or adding entries to the local phonebook contain the same fields. Only
the screen used to add local phonebook entries is shown below. Use this screen to configure
phonebook entries on the X6004. Click the Add (or Edit) icon in the Local Phonebook screen
to view the screen as shown.
" Only the Add Local Phonebook screen is shown. In the Edit Local
Phonebook screen, some of the fields are read-only.
Table 30 Configuration > PBX > Server Configuration > Phonebook > Local Phonebook
Local Phonebook
This screen allows you to view, edit and remove local phonebook entries on the
Select the Delete checkbox and click Delete to remove a local phonebook entry
from the X6004.
This field displays the name field value of the local phonebook entry.
ext. This field displays the ext. field value of the local phonebook entry.
home This field displays the home field value of the local phonebook entry.
This field displays the mobile field value of the local phonebook entry.
e-mail This field displays the e-mail field value of the local phonebook entry.
logon name This field displays the logon name field value of the local phonebook entry.
This field displays the country field value of the local phonebook entry.
department This field displays the department field value of the local phonebook entry.
Add / Edit /
Click the Add icon to configure a new entry in the local phonebook.
Click the Edit icon to change the values of an existing local phonebook entry.
Click the Delete icon to remove an entry from the local phonebook.