lnstalling the Control Unit
6. Remove the power supply as follows:
a. Press upon the tab at the bottom rear of the power supply.
b. While the tab is unlocked, pull the power supply towards you,
then lift it straight up.
Beware of hazardous voltages; whenever the carrier
connections are exposed, use extreme caution; do not
touch them directly or with any type of tool. Follow all
procedures carefully.
7. Remove the clips from the left side of the control unit in the same way;
however, make sure you replace the clips before securing the screws
8. If not already installed, install the new clips on the left side of the
control unit:
a. Using a flat-blade screwdriver, unscrew the upper-left corner of
the carrier only enough to slide a new clip behind the screw
molding on the back of the carrier.
b. With the clip in place, secure the screw, making sure the clip is
as far to the left as possible.
c. Repeat Steps a and b for the lower-left corner.
9. Reinstall the power supply by hooking it onto the rod at the top of the
carrier, and then swinging it down into place.
10. Push the power supply firmly until you hear it lock.
11. To install any expansion carriers, see the next section, “Installing
Expansion Carriers.”
12. To install or replace any modules, see “Installing the Modules,” later in
this chapter.
Upgrading the Control Unit 2-25