AT&T Release 2.0 Telephone User Manual

Introduction to Installation
Tools and Equipment
A list of required tools and equipment is provided just before each procedure
throughout this guide.
System Forms
Throughout this guide, the installation procedures refer to system forms.
These forms indicate information that is specific to your customer’s system.
The forms that you need should be included with the system programming
diskette, which contains all of the programming specifically for your
customer’s system.
If you find that you do not have a fully completed set of planning forms for
your customer’s system, contact your technical support organization or the
Customer Service Center (CSC). See the inside of the front cover for
telephone numbers.
Using the System Forms
Not all of the system forms are necessary for each system.
The following sections list the forms according to the following categories:
Installing the control unit
Installing telephones and adjuncts
Connecting the network interface
Connecting data equipment
Programming the system
System Forms