AT&T Release 2.0 Telephone User Manual

Connection Data Equipment
Digital Data Stations
Depending on the customer’s needs, the system supports the following types
of digital stations:
Digital data and digital voice (digital data terminal and MLX telephone)
Digital data only (simultaneous voice and data is not permitted)
PRI trunks are required to send and receive data to and
from digital data stations that are external to the system.
See Table 6-1 for a detailed comparison of data station
A video conferencing data station is an example of a
synchronous digital data station. See “Video Conferencing
Data Stations” later in this chapter for detailed instructions.
See Form 2a, System Numbering—Station Jacks and Form 2b, System
Numbering—Digital Adjuncts for your customer’s specifications.
Detailed instructions for setting up digital data stations are in the next section,
“Data Station Equipment Configurations.”
Data Stations