AT&T Release 2.0 Telephone User Manual

System Numbering Forms
The following explains how to complete Form 2a
The number in the logical ID column refers to the number of the extension jack
in the control unit.
1. In the “Equipment” column, enter the type of device (such as an MLX-
20L console) that is connected to the extension jack. On the second
line, enter any attached adjuncts (such as an answering machine).
2. In the “Old Ext. No.” column, if the wire run is being changed, enter the
extension number of the old extension. If you are working with a new
installation, leave this space blank.
3. In the “Renumber To” column, enter the extension number of the
extension, if not already filled in. (This includes new installations.)
4. In the “Wire No.” column, enter the number of the wire as indicated by
the label on the wire.
5. In the “Person, Location, or Function” column, enter the name of the
person at, the location of, or the function of (such as fax machine) the
extension, and any miscellaneous information particular to that
Form 2a, System Numbering— Station Jacks A-3