ADMINISTRATION Before you assign lines, be sure that your system is set for the appropriate
type of pool access (see
“System Type” ). Have your Station Configuration
Forms handy. Be sure that line buttons for the lines you’re assigning have
been labeled at the voice terminals.
With a MERLIN II System Display Console
To set up line pools and assign line pools and lines to stations, enter
administration mode and follow the appropriate procedure below.
Assigning Lines to Line Pools
1 To assign lines to line pools, touch these buttons from the administration
[Lines] , [Pools] .
2 Dial the pool code (default codes are 9 and 890 through 899).
3 Touch [Enter] .
4 Touch the line buttons until the correct code shows:
Steady red on = line is in the pool
Red off = line not is in the pool
5 Touch [Exit] and repeat steps 2 through 4 to administer additional pools.
6 Touch Conference to return to the administration menu, or leave
administration mode.
Assigning Line Pools and Lines to Buttons at Voice Terminals
1 To assign lines and line pools to voice terminals, touch these buttons from
the administration menu:
[Stations], [Line/Pool].
2 Touch the Auto Intercom button for the voice terminal.
3 Touch
[Enter] .
NOTE: If the voice terminal is being used, the message, “station busy -
please wait, ”
shows on your display.
You must either wait until the
station becomes available or try again later.
4 Touch the line buttons until the correct code shows:
Steady green on
= line or line pool is assigned to the voice terminal
Green off = line or line
pool is not assigned to the voice terminal
If you want to duplicate the line pools and lines to buttons assignments
on another voice terminal, use the following shortcut:
NOTE: Be aware that when you copy line assignments, you also copy call
restrictions and allowed-list permissions. Be sure you want the two
voice terminals to be identical in these respects before using this Copy
Touch [Copy].
In response to the prompt, touch the Auto Intercom button of the
station you are copying from.
[Enter] .
In response to the prompt, touch the Auto Intercom button of the
station you are copying to.
2-94 MERLIN II System Features