
Installing software on the CS 1000E Page 127 of 488
Communication Server 1000E Installation and Configuration
At this point, either replace the RMD or quit the installation. If you select
option ‘<q> - Quit’, the system requires confirmation.
If ‘<y> - Yes, quit’ is selected, the system prints “INST0127 Keycode file
is corrupted. Check Keycode file.” and returns to the installation main
After accessing the RMD containing the valid keycode, press <CR>. The
system displays the keycode file available as in the following example:
Note: A maximum of 20 keycode files can be stored under the “keycode”
directory on the RMD. The keycode files must have the same extension
Communication Server 1000 Software/Database/
BOOTROM RMD Install Tool
You selected to quit. Please confirm.
Please enter:
<CR> -> <y> - Yes, quit.
<n> - No, DON’T quit.
Enter choice>
The following keycode files are available on the
removable media:
Name Size Date Time
<1> - kcxxxx.1114 Mar-29-2005 15:46
<2> - kc35f.kcd 1114 Mar-01-2005 15:33
<3> - kcbuffy450c.kcd 1114 Mar-31-2005 10:18
<q> - Quit
Enter choice> 3