Configuring User Phones 43
When a SIP device de-registers from the SIP proxy, the device is not
automatically deleted from the Sip_Registration run-time table until an
internal job deletes the expired contact. This job runs once an hour.
4 Click Cancel to return to the User Phones page.
Viewing Call History To view the call history for an existing SIP device:
1 Search for a particular end user.
See Searching for End Users on page 24.
2 From the Users page, click Phones in the Phones column.
The User Phones page appears, see Figure 7.
3 From the User Phones page, click Call History in the Actions column.
The Call History page appears.
URI Address This field contains the URI address for a particular phone
Priority This field contains the registration priority for a particular phone
End Time This field contains the expiration time for a particular phone
Deletable This field indicates whether the phone registration is a
Provisioning (static) or Dynamic contact.
User Name This field contains the user name for a particular phone
Host This field contains the host IP address for a particular phone
Port This field contains the port number for a particular phone
Type This field indicates what type of phone registration this is.
Contact URI This field indicates what is to be used in the SIP Registration
Action Delete an individual phone registration from this column.
Note: Deleting a phone registration de-registers the device from
the SIP proxy server.
Table 12 Phone Registrations Page (continued)
Column Description