Overall System Maintenance 195
Downgrade Assumptions
This procedure makes the following assumptions:
■ The system being downgraded was, prior to the 5.2 upgrade,
successfully running VCX 5.0.2c code.
■ Prior to the upgrade, database backups were taken using the steps
outlined in the section B
acking Up the Authentication and Directory
Server on page 204.
■ If downgrading an IP Messaging system (either stand-alone or part of
an all-in-one system), database backups were taken using the steps
outlined in the IP Messaging Installation Guide.
■ Only one O/S upgrade was installed when upgrading from version
5.0.2 to 5.2.
■ The person performing the downgrade is trained in VCX operation
and procedures and is familiar with VCX terminology.
Downgrade Procedure
1 Verify that back-end server and/or the IP Messaging database back-ups
have been taken if the system was running these components.
a If the system is running back-end servers, a database backup must be
taken as outlined in B
acking Up the Authentication and Directory
Server on page 204.
b If the system is running IP Messaging, a database backup must be
taken as outlined in the IP Messaging Installation Guide.
2 Switch the version to version 5.0.2c.
a Log in as root.
b Enter the following command:
vcx-switchversion --manual 5.0.2c
This command stops the VCX services, switches the /opt/3com/VCX
link to point to the requested version, and issues a warning that
databases must be restored.
You must not reboot the system or restart VCX services until databases
have been restored. Eventhough version 5.0.2c is selected, the databases
still contain version 5.2 data. This combination will not operate
3 Stop the database replication.