Back-end Server Maintenance 213
Enterprise Manager and change the code_complete_id from 0
(incomplete) to 3 (completed by operator) for the specific record.
■ To manually complete multiple incomplete calls, update the
rt_super_cdr_status table using a SQL statement similar to one of the
following scripts:
update rt_super_cdr_status
set code_complete_ID=3
where callidentifier=HEXTORAW (’callidentifier value
update rt_super_cdr_status
set code_complete_ID=3
where textcallidentifier=’textcallidentifier value
Enabling Message
The acctconfig.xml, authconfig.xml, or dirconfig.xml file has a setting
to enable message tracing through formatted Abstract Symbolic
Notation (ASN.1). This produces an understandable output that can
be used for trouble locating and clearing.
ASN.1 is a message formatting and encoding standard which is the basis
of the 3Queue protocol used between Tier 2 and Tier 3.
To enable message tracing:
1 Log in as root.
2 Stop the back-end server.
3 Go to the /opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/conf directory.
4 Edit the XXXXconfig.xml file for the back-end server so Formatted ASN
Packet Tracing is enabled.
For example:
<!-- Formatted ASN packet Tracing-->^M
<!-- 0 = OFF, 1 = ON -->^M
5 Start the back-end server.
The logs are written to the directory that the back-end server is run from