■ Click a link in any column other than the Map column — if one of
these links is selected, any modifications to the specific link is globally
applied to all things associated with that link. For example, if a pattern
is modified, anything that uses that pattern is modified.
3 A new window appears, that is related to the type of link selected. Make
the necessary changes and click Save.
4 To verify that the URI Map Route was edited, click URI Route Map from
the left-hand panel.
Managing URI
Route Black Lists
This section provides information on how to add and delete black listed
end points to URI route maps.
End points need to be black listed before they can be added to a URI
route map. To black list an end point, see the “Adding End Point Black
Lists” section.
Adding Black Listed
End Points to URI
Route Maps
To add black listed end points to a URI route map:
1 From the directory provisioning page, as shown in Figure 24, click URI
Route Black Lists.
The List of Blacklisted EndPoints For A URI Route page appears. This
provides a list of every URI route map and associated black listed end
points. See Figure 50.