Manually Uploading CDRs 293
a From a SQL Plus command line, connect to the billing support server
as cwbss user.
b Execute the following commands:
set serveroutput on
5 Schedule the CDR merge job. Refer to the “Manually Scheduling the CDR
Merge” on page 296.
6 Schedule the Super CDR export job. Refer to the “Manually Scheduling
the Super CDRs Export” on page 298.
7 Schedule the Super CDR delete job. Refer to the “Manually Scheduling
the Super CDR Delete” on page 300.
Uploading CDRs
The billing support server uploads CDRs into the billing support server
from one or more accounting servers (from the accounting server
RT_CDR table to the billing support server RT_CDR table). 3Com
recommends scheduling regular CDR uploads, but the cwu.upload
procedure can be run separately for a one-time upload. This section
describes both procedures.
Before CDRs can be uploaded, a database link from the billing support
server to any accounting server must be created. If the billing support
server and accounting server are on the same host machine, a default
database link was created during installation. If the billing support
server and the accounting server are on the different host machines,
then a new database link should be created rather than using the
default database link. If there are multiple accounting server that are
linked to the same billing support server, there must be one database
link created for each accounting server. A database link only works
when created from the billing support server to each accounting
server. Refer to how to create database link for details.
The billing support server installation procedure schedules all the
necessary Oracle jobs for the billing support server for default
configuration. If you want to use the default configuration, you do not
need to do any Oracle job scheduling such as uploading CDRs, merging
CDRs into Super CDRs, exporting Super CDRs, and deleting CDRs. If you
do not use the default configuration, you should drop the default