The billing support server is automatically configured through scripts
during the installation. This appendix is provided as reference in case
you want to manually reconfigure the billing support server or to
troubleshoot configurations that may be broken.
Manually Creating
Database Links
Database links must be configured from the billing support server to each
accounting server or else the data direction will be incorrect. The VCX
installation provides default database links that are for a billing support
server and accounting server that are on the same host machine. A new
database link needs to be created if the billing support server and
accounting server are on different host machines.
Each accounting server that uploads CDRs to the billing support server
must connect to the billing support server using an Oracle database
link. Create the database link using Oracle Enterprise Manager or the
SQLPLUS command line interface. This section describes creating the
database link using the SQLPLUS command line interface.
■ Server Name — The Oracle SID for the accounting server database.
This is NOT the host name of the machine hosting the accounting
server database.
■ Server Domain — the domain name for the Linux server that is
hosting the accounting server.
■ Oracle Service Name — the Oracle service name for the accounting
server database.