Configuring Accounting Server Database Tables 281
To avoid connection errors in a system with multiple accounting and
billing support servers, use the <dbname> for the SERVER_CONNECTION
column for all accounting and billing support server databases.
Add the service name (<dbname>) to each TNS file on every node
(accounting and billing support servers) in your network. Add this name
by either editing the TNS file, setting up through Net8, or by adding a
node through DBA Studio. To locate the TNS file, refer to the Oracle
operating system documentation or ask your database administrator.
Use the bss_acct_server_map table to map a billing support server with
an accounting server.
Add one row for each billing support server/accounting server
relationship. For example:
BSS on besdb1 and Accounting server on besprod|19-NOV-2001
If there is only one accounting server and one billing support server in the
system, only one record should be in this table. If there are two
accounting servers and only one billing support server uploading CDRs
from both accounting servers, two records should be in this table. If there
are two accounting servers and two billing support servers in the system,
there should be four records at most in this table, depending on the real
Table 100 bss_acct_server_map_data.txt Fields
Column Name Description Value
SETUP_DATE The date this entry was entered. Date
DESCRIPTION A description of this relationship. String
SERVER_ID_ACCT A unique identifier for this accounting
server. SERVER_ID_ACCT in this table must
match a SERVER_ID_ACCT in the
“Configuring acct_server_list” table.
SERVER_ID_BSS A unique identifier for a billing support