Configuring 3Com
There are multiple steps that need to be completed in order for a 3Com
telephone to work within a VCX system.
1 Configure the telephone through the administration provisioning server.
a Configure a new user. See “Adding End Users” on page 21.
b Configure a phone extension to be associated with the new user. See
“Adding Phones” on page 27.
c Configure any phones restrictions that need to be added for the new
user. See “Adding Phone Restrictions” on page 37.
d Create a phone registration for the user that you just added. See
“Adding Phone Registrations” on page 40.
2 Configure the physical 3Com telephone so it can be recognized within a
VCX system.
See the Installation Guide for more information on how to install and
initially configure any supported 3Com telephones.
3Com Telephone
Local User Interface
The firmware within each 3Com telephone includes a telephone
diagnostic and configuration utility called the Local User Interface (LUI).
The administrator has access to more telephone configurables through
LUI, which are needed for initial physical telephone configuration and to
test the telephone.
The LUI utility enables you to perform these tasks:
■ View telephone settings, both the active settings and the settings
stored in the telephone’s memory
■ Set telephone IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
■ Specify IP address of the Network Call Processor (NCP)
■ Specify settings specific to a 3Com VCX Telephone System