Back-end Server Maintenance 219
5 Click Save all.
6 Back up the server configuration.
Receiving Traps
To start and stop receiving SNMP traps using EMS:
1 From the EMS Explorer tab, right-click 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
2 From the pop-up menu, select Traps.
From the pop-up menu, select Start receiving to begin receiving SNMP
traps or Stop receiving to stop receiving SNMP traps.
itbesPrivateQueueOpenFailed Back-end Server failed to open the private
itbesPrivateQueueDeleteFailed Back-end Server failed to delete the private
itbesResponseQueueDeleteFailed Back-end Server failed to delete the
response queue.
itbesResponseQueueCreateFailed Back-end Server failed to create the
response queue.
itbesResponseQueueOpenFailed Back-end Server failed to open the
response queue.
itbesAdminQueueCreateFailed Back-end Server failed to create the admin
itbesAdminQueueOpenFailed Back-end Server failed to open the admin
itbesAdminQueueDeleteFailed Back-end Server failed to delete the admin
itbesHarvesterDtsPkgInstSuccess Harvester DTS Package installation
itbesHarvesterDtsPkgInstFailure Harvester DTS Package installation failed.
itbesDatabaseNotResponding This trap is generated when the Back-end
Server database stops responding.
Table 38 Back-end Server SNMP Traps (continued)
Trap MIB Description