Back-end Server Maintenance 205
A backup file named authbackup.<version number>.tgz is generated and
saved in the /opt/3com/VCX/auth/db/export directory.
5 Login as user cworks.
6 Change the directory to /opt/3com/VCX/dir/bin.
7 Enter the following command to start the directory server database back
The script prompts you to verify if Tomcat and the directory server
applications are stopped.
A backup file named dirbackup.<version number>.tgz is generated and
saved in the /opt/3com/VCX/dir/db/export directory.
8 If you are not planning on restoring the back-end servers immediately,
restart Tomcat, the authentication server, and the directory server;
otherwise, continue with the A
uthentication and Directory Server
Database Restoration section.
a To start tomcat, log in as tomcat using the password tomcat.
su - tomcat
b Change the directory to $CATALINA_HOME/bin.
c Enter
d Enter exit to log out as tomcat.
e To start the authentication server, go to /opt/3com/VCX/auth/bin.
f Enter
./auth start
g To start the directory server, go to /opt/3com/VCX/dir/bin.
h Enter
./dir start
Authentication and Directory Server Database Restoration
A script is provided to restore data to the authentication and directory
server databases.
1 Change directory to /opt/3com/VCX/auth/db/export.
2 Use the secure copy command (scp) using the password cworks to copy
the authbackup.<version number>.tgz file generated by the back up to
the /opt/3com/VCX/auth/db/import directory.
scp authbackup.*.tgz cworks@<IP address of