Outgoing trunk, 5-3
PC (personal computer), setting up, 1-5
PCMCIA interface slot, 4-62
PEC codes, 4-5
Peek, 4-12 - 4-14
Permanent error, 2-4 , 5-5
Phantom modules, 2-22
Poke, 4-15 - 4-17
Port menu, 5-7
Power supply
auxiliary power unit, 4-8 - 4-10
interlocking post, 4-2, 4-3 - 4-4
LED, 4-2 - 4-3
replacing, 4-10 - 4-12
Powering down the system, 4-1 - 4-2
Processor module
checking, 1-25
error conditions, 4-25 - 4-29
problems, 4-12 - 4-33
replacing, 4-30 - 4-31
Programming maintenance
backup, 4-1 - 4-2
on-site, 1-3 - 1-6
remote, 1-6 - 1 -7
Remote equipment, setting
modem, 5-22 - 5-24
overview, 4-37 - 4-38
procedure, 4-40 - 4-42
RS-232 port, 5-20 - 5-22
up, 1-7
summary, 4-20
Restart, 1-20 -1-22
extension, 5-18 - 5-20
procedure, 4-43 - 4-45
summary, 4-43
trunk, 5-16 - 5-17
Ring failure, 3-8
Ring generator, 4-4 - 4-7
RS-232 port, resetting, 5-20 - 5-22
Single-line telephone, 3-5
Slot status
information provided, 4-89
procedure, 4-89 - 4-91
summary, 4-89
Software installation
error conditions during, 4-25 - 4-29
procedure, 4-20 - 4-25
summary, 4-20
accessing, 1-8 – 1-11
display, 1-12 -1-14
exiting, 1-15
functions, 1-13 -1-14
System busy message, 4-28
System Erase, 1-22 ,4-17 - 4-19
System inventory, 2-20 -2-22
System status
procedure, 4-87 - 4-89
screen, 4-88 - 4-89
summary, 4-87
IN-4 Maintenance and Troubleshooting