analog transmission
analog data station
(alternate mark inversion) Line coding format in which a
binary one is represented by a positive or negative pulse,
a binary zero is represented by no line signal, and
subsequent binary ones must alternate in polarity;
otherwise, a bipolar violation occurs. AMI is used in the
DS1 interface.
Mode of transmission in which information is represented
in continuously variable physical quantities such as
amplitude, frequency, phase, or resistance. See also
digital transmission.
See modem data station.
(automatic number identification) Process of automatically
identifying a caller’s billing number and transmitting that
number from the caller’s local central office to another
point on or off the public network.
Software and/or hardware that adds functional capabilities
to the system. For example, MERLIN Identifier is an
application that provides caller identification information (if
available in the local area or jurisdiction).
(Automatic Route Selection) System feature that routes
calls on outside trunks according to the number dialed
and trunk availability.
(American Society of Composers, Artists, and Producers)
(AT&T Switched Network) AT&T telecommunications
services provided through an Integrated Digital Services
Network Primary Rate Interface (ISDN-PRI) trunk, Accunet
switched digital service, Megacom, Megacom 800,
Software Defined Network (SDN), Multiquest, and Shared
Access for Switch Services (SASS).
GL-2 Maintenance and Troubleshooting