Backing Up with a Memory Card
Console Display/Instructions
Additional Information PC
9 Observe the restore file validation screen.
Restore n:
Restore Successfully
System is Restarting.
Please Wait.
n = filename selected in Step 5
The session is finished, and the
system restarts. You must enter
system programming again to
Restore Messages
During the restore procedure, additional screens may appear to alert you
to problems with the translation memory card, the backup file or the
restore procedure. This section contains displays of each screen and
information about what to do if the screen appears.
Card Missing or Card Not Inserted Correctly
Memory Card Restore:
Verify that Memory Card
has been inserted
The memory card is either not inserted or inserted incorrectly. The restore
is aborted. You must reinsert the card and repeat the restore procedure.
This screen may also appear if the wrong type of memory card is inserted
and a restore is requested within one minute of insertion. Verify that the
card is a translation memory card.
D–22 Maintenance and Troubleshooting