Integrated Solution Ill
CONVERSANT Intro Documentation
CONVERSANT Intro Application Support Software lnstallation Guide
CONVERSANT Intro Application Support Software User’s Guide
Integrated Solution III
Integrated Solution Ill (IS Ill) is a complete package of UNIX System-based
voice processing and call analysis software that helps to manage telephone
usage and costs. IS Ill offers a single interface and can include:
Call Accounting (IS CAS)
AUDIX Voice Power IS Ill R 2.1.1
System Programming and Maintenance (SPM) IS Ill Release 3.xx or
Fax Attendant (FA)
The number of incoming lines and subscribers programmed for AUDIX Voice
Power and the number of busy-hour calls determine how many voice
channels are required for the customer’s system.
IS Ill uses AT&T UNIX System V, Release 3.2.2.
For AUDIX Voice Power, program the loop-start ports for reliable far-end
For AUDIX Voice Power, you cannot use an 008 OPT module.
Installing Applications 8-13