Connecting Telephones to the Control Unit
Removing Damaged Connecting Blocks
In some cases, a connecting block becomes damaged and must
To remove a damaged connecting block, follow the steps below:
Remove the wires or the patch cord from the connecting block.
If you have Interconnect Wiring, use long-nosed pliers to remove the
telephone wires, and tag the wires with tape to identify their positions.
If you have Systimax wiring, pull off the patch cord.
Place a 788K1 retainer tool against the conductor pairs beneath the
connecting block to be removed. See Figure 3-40.
Use pliers to grip the connecting block in the center. See Figure 3-40.
Move the block gently up and down and pull it out.
If a conductor wire is accidentally pulled from a block, pull it with the
Iong-nosed pliers to get some slack.
Use your fingers to lay the conductor wire back in its slot in the index strip,
and then reseat it with the D-impact tool.
Seat the new connecting block by using the 788J1 impact tool.
Replace the telephone wire onto the connecting block.
If you have Interconnect Wiring, remove the tag from the telephone
wires and use the D-impact tool to reseat the wires.
If you have Systimax wiring, attach the patch cord to the connecting
3-62 Installing Telephones and Adjuncts