
Telephone Problems
Once you isolate a problem to the telephone (or a group of telephones), you
can run various tests to check a telephone’s operation.
Use the procedure below as a general guideline for troubleshooting
1 Replace the telephone (or adjunct) with one that works properly.
2 If the problem persists, connect the telephone directly to the control unit,
using a cord that works properly.
If this solves the problem, replace the original cord.
The power supply may be shorted or open. If the wiring has been
crushed or severed, replace it.
a Test the power supply for 48 VDC with a voltmeter or by
reconnecting the telephone or adjunct.
b If the test for 48 VDC fails, replace the circuit pack in the
telephone or adjunct.
A faulty circuit pack has the potential to damage the power supply,
which can cause widespread damage throughout the system.
3 If the problem persists, replace the mounting cord.
4 If the problem persists, continue as described below.
Telephone Problems 3–1