simplex signaling
single-line telephone
SMDR printer
Software Defined
special character
square key
station jack
Station Message
Detail Recording
Transmission of signals in one direction only across a
telecommunications channel.
Sending of control and status information between devices
to set up, maintain, or cease a connection such as a
telephone call.
Industry-standard touch-tone or rotary-dial telephone that
handles only one call at a time and is connected to the
system via an extension jack on a basic 012 or 008 OPT
Position in a carrier for a module; numbered from 0
(processor module).
(Station Message Detail Recording) Feature that captures
detailed usage information on incoming and outgoing
voice and data calls.
Printer used to produce SMDR reports. Connected to the
system via an RS-232 jack on the processor module.
See SDN.
Pause, Stop, or End-of-Dialing signal in a programmed
dialing sequence such as an Auto Dial or Personal Speed
Dial number.
(System Programming and Maintenance) DOS or UNIX
system-based application for programming and
maintaining the system.
Configuration in Key mode operation in which all outside
lines appear on all telephones.
See extension.
See extension jack.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting GL–29