System Programming and Maintenance (SPM)
System Programming and
Maintenance (SPM)
System Programming and Maintenance (SPM) is a DOS-based software
application that allows you to use a PC to program and maintain the system.
SPM performs the same functions as an MLX-20L telephone used as a system
programming console and has some additional features, such as the ability to
back up and restore files and print reports. The PC display shows the same
button and screen layout as an MLX-20L telephone.
SPM operates with DOS version 3.3 or later.
Unless the system is being backed up or restored, a remote user takes
priority over a local user. If the local user is programming when a remote user
connects to the system, the system sends a message to the local user that a
remote connection has been made and disconnects the local user.
The PC with SPM connects to the EIA-232-D ADMIN jack on the processor of
the control unit. The EIA-232-D baud rate is 1200/2400 bps with autobaud
A printer connected to the PC with SPM can print system programming
reports. Reports can also be sent to the printer that is connected to the SMDR
port on the control unit.
However, SMDR information may be lost while system programming reports
are printed through the SMDR jack.
A UNIX System-based version of System Programming and Maintenance is
available as part of Integrated Solution Ill, as discussed earlier in this chapter.
8-24 Installing Applications