146A protector, 2-14 - 2-15
147A protector, 2-14 - 2-15
2012D transformer, 5-17 - 5-21
248B adapter, 5-17 - 5-21
400EM tie trunk module, 2-33 - 2-39
7500B data station
data-only, 6-14
video conferencing
configuration diagram, 6-17 - 6-18
data module settings, 6-20
hardware required, 6-16 - 6-17
procedure, 6-19 - 6-20
with MLX voice
configuration diagram, 6-13
procedure, 6-12
AC outlet test, 2-8 - 2-9
248B, 5-17 - 5-21
list of unsupported, 3-39 - 3-40
ADDS (Automated Document Delivery
System), see Automated Document
Delivery System (ADDS)
forms for, 1-3
installation procedure, 3-22 - 3-24
unsupported, 3-39 - 3-40
Alerts, 3-38
Analog telephones, testing, 7-7
Applications printer DIP switch settings,
Applications supported, 8-1 - 8-2
ARS (Automatic Route Selection), see
Automatic Route Selection (ARS)
AT&T Attendant, 8-16 - 8-17
Automated Document Delivery System
(ADDS), 8-3 - 8-4
Automatic Route Selection (ARS)
testing, 7-13
Automatic-start trunks testing
incoming, 7-9 – 7-1O
outgoing, 7-10
two-way, 7-9
Auxiliary power unit
installation, 2-24 – 2-25
overview, 2-17
Backboard, 2-2 - 2-3
Background music
copyright release and license, 3-35
with multizone paging, Magic on
Hold, and bidirectional paging,
3-36 - 3-37
with single-zone paging and Magic
on Hold, 3-36
Basic carrier, 2-17 - 2-18
Bidirectional paging, 3-36 - 3-37
Call Accounting System (CAS)
CAS for Windows, 8-6
CAS Plus V3, 8-5 - 8-6
documentation, 8-7
overview, 8-4 – 8-5
procedure, 8-7
Installation IN-1