Looking up Contacts data
add to other records 50
scrolling in Address list 48
to add to other records 50
handheld, contact for 85
records 359
Lotus Notes, selecting as mail client 219
Lotus Organizer, importing data from 33
Mail service, default service for e-mail
account 161–162
Mailbox, adding new 152
Mailto links 247
Maintenance information 349
Marking messages unread/read 211
Maximum cache size 257
Maximum message size
incoming e-mail 157
amount of free 373
for beaming 367
limitations on History list 241
regaining 44, 358
adding Contacts data to records 50
archive files (.mpa) 33
categorizing records 45
conduit for synchronizing 273
creating records 43
deleting records 44, 69
fonts 52
menus 104
opening 103
private records 344
reviewing memos 104
sorting records 51, 360
Menus 41–42, 138, 359
Calendar 77, 267
command equivalents (Graffiti 2
writing) 42
command toolbar 42
Edit menu 44
Expense 102
Memos 104, 108
menu bar 14, 41
Note Pad 108
Palm Photos 128
SMS 138
status bar button 17
Voice Memo 234
World Clock 267
Microsoft Exchange 5.0 218
Microsoft Outlook
connecting to 361
synchronizing with 218
Microsoft Outlook Express
selecting as mail client 218
MMC expansion card 9
Mobile phone. See Phone
HotSync operations via 282–287, 365
initialization string 310
Modem sled, prerequisite for
connection 150
home page 253
image download preferences 251
Monday, to start week 317
Month (Calendar view) 73
MPA (Memos archive file) 33
Multiple addressees 188
Navigator 8, 15, 130
deleting bookmarks 250
Netscape 217
connecting 325
entering ISP information 326
HotSync operation 290–293
idle timeout 329
login scripts 331–333
password 321
phone settings 322
preferences 319–334
primary DNS 330
secondary DNS 330
selecting connection 322
selecting service 320
user name 321
Network connection 149
connection methods 149