318 Index
P0993298 02
backup warning 224
brackets 227
initialization (single disk) 229
installing drive 227
mirrored install 227
power routing for mirrored disks 236
connections 228
removing 224
replacement 223
replacement notice 224
returning for repair 226
screw locations 225
size 50
upgrading to RAID system 232
wiring locations 225
hard disk status, mirrored disks 239
grounding strap 132
hard disk replacement notice 224
MSC 54
ports 58
remove power to install 132
removing the hard disk 224
replacing modules 136
restart 220
tools 217
tools warning 224
hardware components 50
hearing aid compatible 4, 8
hotels, LAN CTE application
humidity, requirements 99
installing 168
installing 168
installing 168
i2050 soft phone, overview 62
illustration 195
Industry Canada
registration 4
regulations 6
initial parameters 148
initialization, process overview 67
initializing the system 148
input impedance 198, 209
input wiring 179
insertion loss 198, 199
insertion loss measurement 199
ATA2 165
auxiliary ringer 207
base station 184
CAP 166
Companion 171
data networking, hardware 143
emergency telephone 167
equipment and supplies 101
external music source 209
external paging 208
hard disk 227
in rack 103, 109
internal wiring requirements 100
LAN card 263
leaving space 108
lightning surge protector 195
mounting brackets 105
on a wall 105
on table or shelf 108, 112
optional equipment 101
redundant power supply 254
tools required 102
wall mounting bracket 111
IP telephones 168
media bay modules 133
remove power 132
the BCM1000 in a rack 104
Integrated QoS Routing 63
internal components, BCM1000 51, 52
internal wiring requirements 100
International components 83, 84
network routing software 63
PC requirements 89
intranet telephony 62
IP address
configuring the PC 152
connecting the hardware 143
default 148
required parameters 148
subnet mask 143
IP telephone
i2050 soft phone 62
install chart 168
overview 62, 83
VoIP Gateway application 62