166 Chapter 11 Installing telephones and peripherals
P0993298 02
Central Answering Position (CAP)
The Central Answering Position (CAP) module connects to an M7324 telephone. The module
provides 48 additional memory buttons. For installation procedures for the CAP, refer to the
installation documents that came with the CAP.
Telephone port and DN cross-reference
The media bay module that analog and digital telephones are connected to dictates DNs and port
numbers. Use Table 35 to identify which port your telephones are connected to. For future
reference, put a checkmark beside the ports where there are telephones installed.
Note: The following table is based on a system with three-digit DNs, with a start DN of
221. If your system has longer DNs, the system automatically adds a 2 for each additional
DN length unit. i.e. 221 becomes 2221.
Appendix B, “Media bay module combinations,” on page 289 contains a blank table to use
if you changed the start DN on your system.
Table 35 Cross referencing ports and DNs
Pin Wire color
DS 30
DS 30
DS 30
DS 30
DS 30
DS 30
26 White-Blue DN 221
Port 201
DN 237
Port 301
DN 253
Port 401
DN 269
Port 501
DN 285
Port 601
DN 301
Port 701
1 Blue-White
27 White-Orange DN 222
Port 202
DN 238
Port 302
DN 254
Port 402
DN 270
Port 502
DN 286
Port 602
DN 302
Port 702
2 Orange-White
28 White-Green DN 223
Port 203
DN 239
Port 303
DN 255
Port 403
DN 271
Port 503
DN 287
Port 603
DN 303
Port 703
3 Green-White
29 White-Brown DN 224
Port 204
DN 240
Port 304
DN 256
Port 404
DN 272
Port 504
DN 288
Port 604
DN 304
Port 704
4 Brown-White
30 White-Slate DN 225
Port 205
DN 241
Port 305
DN 257
Port 405
DN 273
Port 505
DN 289
Port 605
DN 305
Port 705
5 Slate-White
31 Red-Blue DN 226
Port 206
DN 242
Port 306
DN 258
Port 406
DN 274
Port 506
DN 290
Port 606
DN 306
Port 706
6 Blue-Red
32 Red-Orange DN 227
Port 207
DN 243
Port 307
DN 259
Port 407
DN 275
Port 507
DN 291
Port 607
DN 307
Port 707
7 Orange-Red
33 Red-Green DN 228
Port 208
DN 244
Port 308
DN 260
Port 408
DN 276
Port 508
DN 292
Port 608
DN 308
Port 708
8 Green-Red
34 Red-Brown DN 229
Port 209
DN 245
Port 309
DN 261
Port 409
DN 277
Port 509
DN 293
Port 609
DN 309
Port 709
9 Brown-Red