Nortel Networks BCM1000 Telephone User Manual

Installation and Maintenance Guide
Chapter 10
Wiring the modules
This chapter describes how to wire the cables that connect to the station and trunk modules.
Station modules require 25-pair wired cables to connect the modules to the equipment in the
telephone room where your telco demarcation point is located. Use a qualified technical
professional to ensure the cable wiring and your interior telephone wiring are correct.
Trunk modules, DECT base stations, and FEM cables are connected using RJ-type jacks.
These cables can be supplied by qualified technical personnel to ensure the correct pin-out.
Figure 52 provides an overview of the process for connecting trunk and station wiring to the
Business Communications Manager media bay modules.
Warning: Use only qualified persons to service the system.
The installation and service of this unit must be performed by service personnel with the
appropriate training and experience. Service personnel must be aware of the hazards of
working with telephony equipment and wiring. They must have experience in techniques
that minimize any danger of shock or equipment damage.
Warning: Leakage currents
Service personnel must be alert to the possibility of high leakage currents becoming
available on metal system surfaces during power line fault events on network lines. These
leakage currents normally safely flow to Protective Earth ground via the power cord.
However, if the ac power is unplugged prior to disconnecting the cables from the front of
the base unit, this hazard can occur.
System shutdown: You must disconnect the media bay module cables, network
connections, and MSC auxiliary equipment connections from the system before
disconnecting the power cord from an earthed outlet.
System startup: You must reconnect the power cords to an earthed outlet before
reconnecting the cables to the media bay modules, network cards, or MSC card.
Danger: Electrical shock hazards
Electrical shock hazards from the telecommunications network and ac mains are possible
with this equipment. To minimize risk to service personnel and users, the BCM1000 and
the BCM1000e, if there is one, must be connected to an outlet with a third wire ground.
In addition, all unused slots must have blank faceplates installed. The covers on all units
must be in place at the completion of any servicing.