Removing transactions after account
Since the Organizer contains limited memory capacity, it is
important to delete unwanted or out-of-date data from the
Money Tracking application just as for other applications.
However, one important advantage to having
RECONCILED transactions is that they are probably no
longer required, since they have all be successfully
accounted for. The Money Tracking applications offers a
useful facility of removing RECONCILED and/or other
transactions after adding their total value to the existing
OPENING BALance to create a new OPENING BALance.
This opening balance will be used the next time account
balancing is performed.
☞ Since transactions cannot be retrieved once they are
removed or deleted, you may want to store or back up
the transactions before removing them by transferring
them to a PC or even printing out the details.
To remove transactions:
Select REMOVE TRANSACTIONS from the Money
Tracking application menu, then press
The REMOVE TRANSACTIONS window appears.
In the ACCOUNT field, press
and select the
account in which you want to remove transactions, or
select ALL to remove transactions from all accounts.
In the BEFORE field, enter the date before which you
want to remove transactions. You can either enter the
date directly from the keyboard or press
and use
the arrow keys to select the date from the pop-up
calendar. Press
☞ Transaction on or after the date you specify in the
BEFORE field will not be removed. For example, if
you specify BEFORE 1/1/97, then transactions up to
and including 12/31/96 will be removed.
In the CONDITION field, specify the types of
transactions you wish to remove, according to their
status. Press
Note the default is REMOVE RECONCILED.
☞ Note that while the removal of transactions maintains
the correct overall account balance, this is completely
different from deleting transactions, which causes the
balance to be reduced accordingly.
When the Organizer is Locked
Like most other applications within the Organizer, the
Money Tracking application allows you to define certain
information as Secret, so that it will be subsequently hidden
when the Organizer is Locked. However, locking the
Organizer causes certain changes to the Money Tracking
application’s behavior. These changes are discussed