System & Station
Program 79 – Door Phone Ringing
Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-171
System & Station
Program 79 Overview
This program assigns the door phone ringing feature to ports.
LED 20: Muted Ring to Busy Electronic and Digital Telephone
If all electronic and digital telephones are busy and a door phone button is pressed, a muted ring
tone can be sent to selected digital and electronic telephones, as defined with this program. (Only
the lowest port in the appropriate ringing group will mute ring.)
LEDs 01~12: Door Phone Ring
When a door phone button is pressed, selected digital and/or electronic telephones will ring as
assigned with this program. See Program 77-2 for an explanation of the door phone A, B, and C
numbering scheme. (Use Program 79 to assign [DN] button LEDs to flash on telephones that are
assigned to ring.)
Door phones will not ring attendant consoles or standard telephones. Ringing door phones will
flash on idle console’s
$QVZHU buttons, but will not alert a console that is in the busy mode. See
Program 77-1 for door phone box port assignments.