Section 12: System Functions and Remote Control 257
reset statistics.
Name.......: pp
Parameter..: ['in' [val]|'out' [val]]
Group......: Misc
Description: Override incoming or outgoing parallel port values. Return to normal
operation if 'val' is not specified. Read current input & output value if no parameter is
Name.......: ppin
Parameter..: [<bit1..8> <endend|auto0|auto1|auto2|auto3|auto4|auto5|auto6|auto7>] or
Group......: Misc
Description: Select operation mode for selected parallel port input bit or switch all
bits to 'end-to-end' mode.
Name.......: ppout
Parameter..: [<bit1..8> <off|on|endend|lock1|lock2|lock1o2|lock1&2|conn1|conn2|conn
1o2|conn1&2>] or [<off|on>]
Group......: Misc
Description: Select operation mode for selected parallel port output bits or switch
all outputs to 'off' or 'on' mode.
Name.......: reset
Parameter..: ['cold'|'pm'|'assert'|'fatal'|'loop']
Group......: Misc
Description: Restart software by letting the watchdog bite. Option 'cold' forces a reset
with global parameter reset. 'pm' trigger a pmdump due to access error. 'assert' calls
TDEASSERTU, 'fatal' issues a reset by writing to fatal, 'loop' enters an endless loop and
lets the watchdog bite.
Name.......: rs232baud
Parameter..: [<baudrate 300...57600>]
Group......: Misc
Description: Select RS232 baud rate.
Name.......: sfq
Parameter..: <48|44|32>
Group......: Codec
Description: Choose system sampling frequency.
Name.......: store
Parameter..: 1:<cmd parameter <: parameter...>> 2:<clear> 3: <clear> <cmd> Group......:
Description: Store a command sequence in the batch memory (1) or delete all command
sequences from batch memory (2) or delete a specified command (3).
Name.......: ti
Parameter..: [<taskname>]
Group......: Status
Description: TTYprint information about specific or all existing tasks. Optionally
reset task statistics after printout.
Name.......: time
Parameter..: [current time]
Group......: Misc
Description: Display current system time and time difference to previous time command. If
'current time' is specified then it will be used to print out absolute time values in the
ISDN log and in various other places.
Name.......: unitid
Parameter..: [ID string]
Group......: Misc
Description: Enter or display the unit's ID string. This string can arbitrarily be chosen
by the user.
Name.......: v35rate
Parameter..: [112|128|256|384]