access problems 381
password 348
selecting connection 349
username 347
IP address 352, 354
IR port.
See also Beaming and Infrared
IR. See Infrared
IrCOMM 292, 311
IrDA (Infrared Data Association) 292
login script 166
requirements for 165
requiring APOP 238, 241, 242
requiring ESMTP 242
using 165
Items. See To Do List or Expense
Key pair
changing password 268
changing signature 268
creating 266
description 266
time to generate 268
computer 29
description 19
key clicking 322
key repeat rate 322
keyboard type 19
onscreen 21
press-and-hold 322
remapping keys 323
setting preferences 322
Keyboard shortcuts in VersaMail 250
LED alarm 321
font style 55
onscreen keyboard 21
List, in Applications Launcher 36
setting primary 276, 277
setting secondary 278
Locking the handheld with a password 358,
Logging informational errors 221
Login script 166, 355–357
Looking up Address Book data
to add to other records 51
scrolling in Address list 49
handheld, contact for 65
records 384
Lotus Notes, selecting as mail client 222
Lotus Organizer, importing data from 29
Mac computer, system requirements 4
Mail server settings, changing 238
Mail service, default service for e-mail
account 184–186, 236
Mail settings
changing e-mail address 237
changing mail server settings 238
changing protocol type 235
changing username and password 235
managing 234
Mailbox, adding new 166
Maintenance information 369
Marking messages unread/read 215
Maximum message size
for HotSync operation 224
incoming e-mail 169, 175, 182
POP and IMAP server 238
Medical emergency call 6
Memo Pad
adding Address Book data to records 51
archive files (.mpa) 29
conduit for synchronizing 285
creating records 41
deleting records 43, 86
dragging memos into other
applications 101
fonts 55
menus 73, 102
opening 101
private records 367
reviewing memos 102
sorting records 53, 385