Retrieving voicemail
Retrieving voicemail
Your wireless service provider determines your voicemail properties, such as
mailbox size, the number of rings before diverting a call to voicemail, and how to
record your voicemail message. Contact your wireless service provider for
information on setting up your voicemail.
When a voicemail message is waiting, a notification message is displayed. You can
retrieve your voicemail messages directly from the notification message or from
the Palm Mobile application. Your voicemail access number is configured in the
Mobile preferences screen. See “Keyboard Preferences” in Chapter 21 for more
To retrieve voicemail from a notification message:
■ Tap Go To.
Your voicemail number is dialed.
To retrieve voicemail message from Palm Mobile:
■ Press and hold the 1 key.
Your voicemail number is dialed.
Tap Go To to dial voicemail number
Voicemail icon indicates
voicemail message
Press and
hold the 1 key
to retrieve