Voicemail Pro Page 392
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office Installing the IMS Client Software
To install the IMS Client software:
1.Do not proceed with this process until you have completed the steps in Adjusting DCOM Settings .
2.Copy the IMS Client installer package to a CD or map a network drive to the folder as follows \
\VMProIMSPC\IMSClient. This is done automatically when you install IMS on the Voicemail Pro/IMS server.
3.Log on to the user's PC using the user's account.
4.Verify that the user has local administrative rights to be able to install the software. Once installed they should not
need administrator rights to use the application.
5.Save and close all other applications prior to installing as a reboot will be required.
6.Depending on where it is located, double-click the IMSClient.exe file.
7.Choose the preferred Language and select OK.
8.Click Next until you see the IMS Connection Information window.
9.Enter the following information:
· Voicemail Mailbox
This is the entry as it appears in the Username field of the IP Office User Profile Screen. This is case-sensitive. If this
information is not entered correctly, the IMS client will not connect to the IMS Server.
· IMS Server
This is the name of the IMS/Voicemail Pro Server.
10.Click Next. The IMS Playback Parameters window opens.
11.Type the extension number of the handset to be used for playing back messages.
12.If required, check Pick Up Automatically for the option to collect messages without the need to pick up the handset.
This is supported on analog extensions.
13.When prompted to Restart the PC, click Finish to restart the PC.
· If you attempt to open Outlook without restarting the computer, you will receive an error to tell you a component
has not been installed correctly. It is therefore recommended that you restart the computer when prompted.
14.Typically when starting Outlook if there is a connection error, a message should be received while Outlook is starting,
asking for a user name and password.
· On the Outlook Menu Bar, Select Tools – Integrated Messaging. If the IMS Client has connected you should only have
the option to Disconnect. If this is the case you have successfully installed the IMS Client on the workstation.
· A further indication will be a Telephone Icon in the mail message. If the Client has not been installed, this icon will
not be displayed.
15.Only when you have completed the above process should you proceed to Opening the Firewall .