Voicemail Pro Page 132
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
4. Administration
4.1 Starting the Voicemail Pro Client
You can start the Voicemail Pro Client from the IP Office Voicemail Pro folder.
To start the Voicemail Pro Client:
1.From the Start menu, select Programs > IP Office > Voicemail Pro Client. The main Voicemail Pro Client window
If the Client and Server are installed on the same machine, you do not need to log in. If you are using the Client to work
on a remote server, you do need to log in. For more information, see Logging in to the Voicemail Pro Server .
· Tip
Alternatively, as with any other Windows application, you can add a shortcut to your desktop and start the Voicemail
Pro Client from there.
4.1.1 Logging in to the Voicemail Pro Server
You can run the Voicemail Pro Client in offline mode and you can also use it to connect to a Voicemail Pro Server. To
connect to a Voicemail Pro Server with the Voicemail Pro Client, you need to log in for authentication purposes.
By default, the Voicemail Pro Server does not have any user accounts defined. Therefore no remote Voicemail Pro Clients
can connect. You can use a local Voicemail Pro Client, to add administrator or standard administrator users who can then
connect using remote Voicemail Pro Clients. For more information, see Adding an Administrator .
To log in to the Voicemail Pro Server:
1.From the File menu, select Login. The Voicemail Pro Login window opens.
2.In the User Name field, type a user name. This is the name that the workstation software will use. This should already
be defined on the Voicemail Pro Server.
· If the Voicemail Pro Server and Client are on the same computer, you do not need to enter a user name to connect
to the Voicemail Pro Server and perform administration tasks.
3.In the Password field, enter the password.
4.In the Unit Name/IP Address field, type the name or the IP address of the server you want to connect to. By default
the IP address or name that was last used is already filled in.
· If you are logging in to a different server and do not know the name or IP address, click Browse. Select from the list
of available Voicemail Pro servers.
· If you are logging in across a WAN, you must type in the IP address and not the server name.
5.Click OK. The main Voicemail Pro Client window opens. For more information, see The Main Voicemail Pro Window .