Voicemail Pro Page 185
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Administration: Support for Callers with Impaired Hearing
4.10.4 Changing the Language Setting for a TTY Device
An alternative to setting the user locale as TTY is to change the user's language setting in the Voicemail Pro call flows for
that user. Here are two examples.
An Example of Customizing a Simple Mailbox Call Flow
The Select System Prompt Language action can be used to change the prompt language used by subsequent
actions in a call flow. Once the TTY Maintenance Patch has been installed, TTY is one of the selectable languages provided
by the action.
In the simplest form, a Select System Prompt Language action set to TTY (Teletype (Textphone)) would be
added to the user's Collect start point and followed by a Get Mail action.
Similarly, a Select System Prompt Language action set to TTY (Teletype (Textphone)), would be added to the
user's Leave start point and followed by a Leave Mail action.