Voicemail Pro Page 190
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
4.12 Mobile Twinning
Mobile Twinning is a licensed feature. If Mobile Twinning is enabled in IP Office, a user can send internal and external
calls to an external number, for example, their mobile telephone.
· Both the internal and external telephones ring when a call is received. The call can be answered from either telephone.
· If the feature Do Not Disturb (DND) is active for the user, any callers to the internal extension number will hear the
busy tone and the external telephone will not ring. If a caller is entered in to the DND exception list, for example using
the application Phone Manager, only the internal telephone will ring.
· If any of the forward options are active, both the external and the telephone where the calls are forwarded to will ring.
· If the Follow Me option is active, only the telephone that the calls are forwarded to will ring. The external telephone
number will not ring.
Within Voicemail Pro you can administer the mobile twinning features using call flows. Mobile twinning can be turned on
or of and the external twinning number entered.
In a call flow the Generic action is used to control Mobile twinning. Within the Generic action details are entered in the
specific tab. In the generic 'free format' field, the following syntax can be added.
· CFG:Set MattR twinning_type Mobile
Used to turn the Mobile twinning on for the named extension MattR. The extension number can be entered instead of
the named extension. If mobile twinning has been previously used and then turned off, the previous mobile twinning
number will become active.
· CFG:Set MattR twinning_type Internal
Used to turn the Mobile twinning off for MattR.
· CFG:Set MattR mobile_twinning_number $KEY
Used to set the mobile twinning number.