Voicemail Pro Page 282
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
6.10.3 Database Get Data
Once a query has been made against a database (see Database Execute Action ), either a single result or a set of
results are returned. The Database Get Data action will allow access to the data items if a set of results are returned.
To add a Database Get Data action:
1.Click the Database Actions icon and select Database Get Data.
2.Select the Specific tab. Select the way to retrieve the data.
· Retrieve the next item in the list
Allows the call flow to facilitate the stepping through of a list of results returned by the Database Execute action.
· Retrieve the previous item in the list
Allows the call flow to facilitate the stepping through of a list of results returned by the Database Execute action.
· Retrieve the first item in the list
Allows the call flow to facilitate jumping to the start of the list therefore returning all the items in the list.
· Retrieve the last item in the list
Allows the call flow to facilitate jumping to the end of the list therefore returning all the items in the list.
The Database Get Data action has four results.
· Success
The current record has successfully been assigned to the $DBD variable.
· At End
You have reached the end of the list, the $DBD variable contains no information.
· Empty
The execute method returned no data, the $DBD variable contains no information.
· Failure
There was a problem trying to retrieve the next data record, the $DBD variable contains no
Examples of using the database actions are given in the IVR database Connection section. For an example of the action in
a call flow, see IVR Database Connection Example, Retrieving Data From the Database .
6.10.4 Database Close
The Database Close action will close the current database connection. If the database is open when a call terminates
then a Database Close action is run automatically.
To add a Database Close action:
1.Click the Database Actions icon and select Database Close.
2.There is no specific tab.
The Database Close action results can only be Success or Failure. Add connections to relevant