Voicemail Pro Page 135
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Administration: Starting the Voicemail Pro Client
4.2 Administrator Configuration
You can use Voicemail Pro Client remotely in offline mode. If you want to connect to a Voicemail Pro Server you need to
log in. By default, the Voicemail Pro Server does not have any User accounts defined, therefore no Remote Voicemail
Pro Clients can connect.
If you are an administrator you can add other users as administrators. You can give them the authority to carry out
standard or more powerful administration tasks using the Voicemail Pro Client. There are two types of administrator:
· Standard Client user
A standard administrator can perform administration of call flows using the Voicemail Pro Client. A standard
administrator can change their own password but cannot add or remove Client users or change passwords.
· Administrator Client user
A more powerful administrator who can add and remove Client users and set and change passwords.
To add an Administrator:
1.In the Start Points Navigation pane, select Voicemail Pro Administrators. The name, type and status of any existing
Voicemail Pro administrators are displayed in the details pane.
2.Right-click anywhere in the details pane.
3.Select Add. The Add Administrator window opens.
4.In the User Name field, type the name that you want to assign to the administrator.
· The name must be at least 5 characters long and must not contain spaces or any of the following characters: \ / :
* ? < > | , ;
5.In the New Password field, type a password for the administrator.
· A password must be at least 5 characters long and must not contain spaces or any of the following characters: \ / : *
? < > | , ;
6.In the Confirm New Password field, type the password again for confirmation purposes.
7.In the Type field, click the type of user that you want.
8.Click OK.
9.Click Save and Make Live to save the changes. The user created can now log into the Voicemail Pro Client
Server. For more information, see Logging in to the Voicemail Pro Server .
By default new users are created as Inactive. Their status changes to Active when they connect to a Voicemail Pro