service templates 418
text 52
See also Purging records
Desktop software
displaying euro 125
linking to external files 39, 375
removing 76
saving deleted data in archive file 53
assigning name 390
enabling/disabling the user cache 397
types with which you can connect 389
Digitizer 17, 382
calibrating your handheld 17
preferences 382
autofill 337
cookies 337
JavaScript 338
a modem 295
from the Internet 319
and connection process 391
defined 391
enabling/disabling the user cache 397
DNS 414
Documents To Go, converting
attachments 274–276
Domain name system. See DNS
Double-booked events 107
Download message size 186, 193, 200
e-mail attachments 217
files, all types 322
messages from phone 161
stopping 323
creating in SMS 164
creating in VersaMail 228
saving in VersaMail 233, 236
memos into other applications 127
stylus to activate features 422
using the stylus 17
bookmarks 330
records 51–52
saved web pages 332
adding Address Book entry from e-
mail 258–259
adding attachments 247–249
addresses in Address Book 79
addressing 230
alert for new mail 213
attaching files 207
attachments 241–251
backing up databases 299
beeping for new e-mail 212
buzzing or blinking for new mail 214
color selection 223
composing 233
copying and pasting text 296
creating new messages 229–233
days to synchronize 265
deleting messages on handheld 251–254
deleting messages on server 289
display options 220
downloading large attachments 245–247
drafts 236
e-mailing URLs 328
emptying trash 254–255
filters for 279–280
folder on server 289
font selection 222
forwarding 237, 238
forwarding attachments 251
getting entire message 207
getting on desktop 261–264
getting subject only 207
header details 298
HTML 241
icons 217, 236
leaving mail on server 185, 193, 199, 287
managing mail settings 283
marking read and unread 256–257
maximum message size 186, 193, 200
notification options 213
personal signature 237, 258
preferences 257–258
reading 206