Address Book entries 78–79
categories 44–45, 57
currency symbols 123
custom fields in Address Book 85
Date Book events 95
e-mail folders 228–229
Expense items 120
expense reports 125
notes for records 65
records 50
ShortCuts 440
signature 165
SMS messages 160
synchronize only e-mail account 189–
default 123
defining 123
for Expense items 122
Current date 453
Current time 41
currencies and symbols 123
fields in Address Book 85
text 52
text from web pages 326
Cycling through views 78, 95, 131, 171
Data entry. See Entering data
backing up 299
downloading 322
upgrading a MultiMail database 178
displaying in World Clock 350
Expense item 121
setting current 345, 381, 453
To Do List record due 174
Date & Time preferences 381–382
Date Book
adding Address Book data to
records 61–62
Agenda view 106
alarm 100
archive files (.dba) 38
changing event time 99
changing event to untimed 99
conduit for synchronizing 354
conflicting events 107
continuous events 101–103
creating records 50, 96–99
Day view 103
deleting records 52
display options 108
end time for Day view 109
fonts 66
menus 107
Month view 105
notes for records 65
opening 95
overview 95
private records 435
purging records 54
repeating events 53, 101–103
scheduling events 95–99
selecting dates 97
start time for Day view 109
Sunday or Monday to start week 383
switching views 103
untimed events 96, 98
viewing appointment reminders 215
Week view 104, 383, 453
Day (Date Book view) 96, 109
Daylight Saving
options 348
settings 347
DBA (Date Book archive file) 38
Decimal point 383
categories 44, 55
currency in Expense 123
Deleted data, saving in archive files 53
applications 75
bookmarks 330
Desktop software 75
e-mail 251–254, 289
filters 283
Graffiti 2 characters 26
mail in the trash 254
old messages 253
passwords 426
records 52
saved web pages 333