CentreVu Supervisor
Issue 5 January 1998
In addition to standard reports, the CentreVu Call Management System has a
comprehensive, optional forecasting system that can help you predict the num-
ber of ACD agents you will need at some future date. You can use archived Cen-
treVu Call Management System data, add variable data, change and remove
forecasting data, and capture data from a particular period in order to forecast
staffing requirements.
CentreVu Supervisor
CentreVu Supervisor is a MicroSoft Windows-based graphic interface for the
CentreVu Call Management System described above. Besides the convenience
of managing calls from a personal computer, the primary advantages of Cen-
treVu Supervisor are:
■ Enhanced Reporting — The application provides many new ways to view
— Pie and bar charts
— Integrated reports that combine real-time and historical data
— Threshold limits on real-time reports
■ Customized Reports — The Report Designer feature allows you to easily
create your own reports.
■ Graphical Interface — The familiar windows-type interface allows users to
learn the application more quickly.
■ Data Export — The application allows you to easily export data into other
Windows applications.
The CentreVu Call Management System is a prerequisite for the CentreVu Super-
visor software.
Basic Call Management System
The Basic Call Management System, an integrated, internal capability, is a
cost-effective solution for small start-up call centers, for existing companies with
minimum system-measuring/reporting requirements or as a back-up to the Cen-
treVu Call Management System. The Basic Call Management System helps you
fine tune your call-center operation by providing reports with the data necessary
to measure your call center agents’ performances.
This feature offers call management control and reporting at a low cost for
call-centers of up to 2000 agents. The Basic Call Management System is ideal for
companies that need call management features but do not require the same
capacities available with the larger CentreVu Call Management System, which
requires an adjunct processor.