Financial Services
Issue 5 January 1998
Group Video Systems
A final aspect of standardizing your customer service is training. Some banks
have set up Group Video Systems at their branches and a MultiPoint Control Unit
at the home office. This allows full-motion, real-time interactive video calls among
them. All the branches in the network can watch and participate in training ses-
The MultiPoint Control Unit works in several modes:
■ Voice Activated Switching — All locations see the person speaking and
the person speaking sees the person who spoke before.
■ Presentation — All locations see the presenter, and when questions are
asked, all hear the questions but continue to see the presenter.
■ Broadcast Autoscan — All locations see the presenter, and the presenter
can scan locations at intervals.
Improve Customer Service
Improved customer service is inherent in many DEFINITY ECS solutions. Using
an I
NTUITY CONVERSANT system to answer and screen calls reduces the time
customers wait in a calling queue, for example, and using video systems for
training ensures uniform, quality service. Beyond these indirect improvements,
however, the system includes some capabilities that directly upgrade your cus-
tomer service.
Lucent Technologies’s call center technology allows you to set measurable cus-
tomer service goals. You can monitor calls to help ensure that abandoned calls
are eliminated or reduced. The Average Rolling Speed of Answer feature ensures
that customer calls are handled promptly. The reports generated by the CentreVu
Call Management System can help you evaluate agent’s productivity. Using
these reports, you can also plan staffing levels to meet demand as needed. Cen-
treVu Report Designer allows you to create customized graphic reports for the
specific needs of your call center.
Lucent Technologies’s CentreVu Supervisor allows managers to generate reports
by exporting data to common spreadsheet programs. You can even leave this
application running in the background on your computer, and it will alert you
when crucial thresholds have been exceeded.